The United States of America is known by many as the home of the "free", and the land of the "brave". A land in which many "immigrants" from foreign lands can come to, and experience the "American Dream". This American illusion has become the tipping point for the propaganda showed throughout Western Civilization, and abroad by the corporate mainstream media. The corporation of America produces more robberies, home invasions, murders, and rapes than any other country on the planet, also the so-called "American Dream" is more like a nightmare as the land mass takes on a new 3rd world status. America also have VERY high numbers of homelessness, with it's top two largest cities New York City, and L.A. ranking 2nd, and 3rd behind Sao Paulo, Brazil of cities with the most homeless people, with other major cities like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Miami not to far behind. The illusion of this "American Greed" has been a vocal point for the White Supremacists spread of "democracy" throughout the world. As the Western Civilization's shadow government pretends to spread this so-called "democracy" to foreign eastern countries like Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and many others. While the citizens of the country suffer from high crime, high taxes, high gas prices, high rent, high interest rates, high rates of foreclosures, lack of proper health care, and more, and cases of police brutality, with no threat of the CIA created "boogeyman" like Osama Bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, and the so-called Taliban. These illegal wars waged by Western Civilization, and it's puppets have cost the American people billions upon billions of dollars pushing the corporation in further debt. As on the surface political "rivals" Democrats, and Conservatives battle it out to raise the debt, while many Americans continue to suffer unemployment, and underemployment. Their solutions to the debt problem is once again cut government funded programs for the nation's poor, and once again leave out the rich, and wealthy. My question is Where's the outrage? Where's the rioting? Where's the boycotts of greedy corporations? it seems that the masses of Americans take the big hit by White Supremacy right on the chin. Let's face it the citizens of America i.e. the majority of White Americans have allowed the shadow government to wage unjust wars while murdering thousands of Non-White people in America, and abroad. As White America thrived in the suburbs in the 80s, the Black community was given crack epidemics under watchful eye of the CIA, Ronald Reagan, and the Bush family. In fact Ronald Reagan is labeled a "hero" by many members of the White community, in spite of the Iran/Contra controversy. The White community benefited greatly from the Reagan years while Reagan ran the Non-White community further in the ground. For example between 1984, and 2007 White families making $30,000 annually still accumulated $74,000 in wealth, while in those same years Black/Original families earning more than $50,000 annually only accumulated $18,000 in wealth. Also between those same 23 years alone the paygap between White, and Black/Original American families quadrupled from $20,000 to $95,000. While only 4% of White Americans supported reparations for Black/Original people many liked their positions as the "chosen ones" of America. White Americans lived the high life while Non-Whites suffered from higher mortgages than Whites with similar incomes, and became targets of predatory lenders. As many White activists protested to save the "ozone layer", the trees, animals, and anything else to help them sleep at night. There were no protest against the same White Supremacy system they benefit from. As drugs flooded into the Non-White community, and murders were at a all time high, it seems that White America looked the other way. In the 1990s the annual salary for the average Black/Original man was $19,417.03 compared to $28,894.69 annual salary of White men, but as the Bush regime stole elections waged unjust wars, and help in the further niggerazation of the White race the tide began to turn toward the year 2000. After the government planned 9-11 attacks, many Whites began to lose their savings, and 401k plans tehy accumulated during the Reagan days. After the crash of 2008 the empire began to start to crumble with White Americans suffering from higher unemployment, underemployment, and record numbers of foreclosures.   Of course many in the White community will overlook George W. Bush's wicked ways, and place most of the blame on his successor Barack Obama who so happens to be Black/Original man. Of the animosity toward the government is at a all time high, and with the formation of the White Supremacist funded groups like the "Tea Party" many White Americans can take out their frustration on Obama. While the World Bank, IMF, and the crooked Rothschild family have continued to rape the American people, but when these tactics benefited White America, they pretty much kept their mouth shut. Many White Americans claim they dislike the ways of the Bush regime, but instead send their sons, and daughters to Iraq to murder Non-Whites. This hypocrisy has caused judgement on White america causing the short lived empire to crumble right before our eyes. many White Supremacist corporations have reported loses with corporations like Borders, Lowes, Circuit City, and many others closing it's doors, due to the Great Depression the corporation suffers from. In fact many White rural areas have suffered from natural disasters such as tornados, hurricanes, dust storms, and flooding throughout the "Bible Belt", and many other parts of America. Also crimes such as thief, robberies, murder of families, and home invasions in the White community are at a all time high, which is not always reported by the corporate media. Also many White Americans whom held plush high paying jobs are forced to join the ranks of the unemployed, and underemployed, and the White need for government assistance such as foodstamps, welfare, and low income housing has doubled along with a high increase of suicide, and drug use.   The corporate media has reported some of these issues, but has done it's best to downplay the niggerazation of the White race, while focusing it's viewers attention on foolish stories, and even celebrity gossip. Also the White man is slowly becoming a target of corporate media, even being labeled the "New Face of Terror" throughout America, and abroad. With the shooting of congresswoman Giffords in Arizona, and the Norway ritual massacre both by white males. The White male is slowing becoming the new terrorist along with non-Whites, this label will further add to the growing woes of the White global minority. As big corporations out source jobs, and Whites also having a 0% birth rate the destruction of White America predicted by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his book titled "Fall of America" seems to be true prophecy. As the empire falls poverty is no longer a Non-White problem it's also become a White problem!!!! Hotep!!!!