Afrika, the great beautiful continent which considered by many as the motherland, and the birthplace of humanity. The vast continent of Afrika is the birthplace of modern culture, and the originator of ALL modern belief systems. Afrika has been demonized, and misrepresented by many mis-information in the past, and the present, in which it has been referred to as the so-called "Dark Continent" with the false history of Afrika as a country full of savages running through "jungles". This is a very FALSE statement considering the FACT Afrika HAS NO JUNGLES, many White so-called experts have wage a dis-information war against Afrika for example: in the corporation of America we were taught that the lion is "The King of the Jungle" which is completely FALSE considering the fact a lion is a grassland animal. In fact Afrika is not only the founder of humanity it's the inventors of mathematics, calculus, physics, Khem-mysteries, chemistry, religion, philosophy, astronomy, solar, lunar, astrological, 360 day/12 months, calendars, stone and brick buildings, mining of gold, tin, cooper, and other metals, metallurgy, sugar, writing (hieroglyphics), paper , which was passed on to Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians, in which like ancient Egypt (Khemet), Nubia, Nesopotamia, Sebea, and India were ALL Black/Original people!!!! In fact Black/Original people from Afrika, and Asia passed all these inventions to Greeks, Romans, Hebrew, and Arabs. The great Afrikan historian Dr.Cheikh Anta Diop stated that White Egyptologists a.k.a. "grave robbers" created a false history of ancient Egypt in which many subscribe to today. Afrika has been robbed, and assaulted by White Supremacy for many, many, centuries now, and the assault on Afrika still active on a daily basis. Today's corporate media has formed a mis-information war on the people by, creating a false view of the eastern world by encouraging the genocide on Afrika, and Northern Afrika a.k.a. "The Middle East". This became very apparent in the beginning of 2011 the media showcased the so-called "revolution" by the people of modern Egypt, in which the people called for then Egyptian president Mohamed Hosni Mubarak. This so-called revolution was staged by White Supremacy i.e. The CIA, The Mossad, and British Intelligence MI-5 to replace the current Egyptian government with a new puppet government to further their agenda. The Egyptian revolution was engineered by White Supremacist intelligence agencies, for example at the height of the revolt against Mubarak the Egyptian government shut down the CIA controlled "Facebook", "Twitter", and many corporate controlled mobile services. These intelligence tactics are well known by the Egyptian government considering Mubarak was in "bed" with White Supremacy for most of his reign as the Egyptian leader, in fact Mubarak had billions in the Federal Reserve a.k.a. New York City.   Mubarak was later forced out as president, and the puppet government is now in place, in fact the Egyptian people have complained that nothing have changed at all in Egypt. This is not being reported by the corporate media, in fact the White Supremacist controlled CNN was a big reporter of the so-called Egyptian "revolution". CNN's most famous "investigative journalist" Anderson Vanderbilt a.k.a. "Anderson Cooper" reported to his followers that he was even "attacked" by Mubarak "thugs". Cooper whom is a descendant of the Vanderbilt family was INTERN for the CIA in his Yale days, this is not by accident that Cooper is one of top White Supremacist dis-information agents. These agents worked hard to instill false information in the minds of the people, The Egyptian government was accused of crimes the American government is notorious of police brutality, underpaying slave jobs, government harassment  of citizens, and fraud ,sounds familiar? After the false Egyptian revolution White Supremacy a.k.a. NATO focus it's attention on Libya, and it's controversial leader Moammar Gadhafi. The Satanic NATO with the support of president Obama started a satanic campaign while dropping bombs, and using Drone attacks (9-11) whink* whink* while supplying weapons to the so-called Libyan "rebels". NATO unleashed viscous air strikes on the people of Libya, in which some members of the United States congress accused Obama of not consulting congress on attacking the people of Libya. These illegal air strikes have already killed many civilians, and even Gadhafi's grandchildren were also murdered by NATO air strikes. The corporate media has reported propaganda to force into the people's minds that they are bringing "democracy" to the Libyan people, the same "democracy" that not a part of the lives of it's on people. It has been several reports of threats given to anti-corporate, or independent media outlets in Tripoli whom are reporting the assault on Libya as they see it. Like Mubarak, Gadhafi whom had a relationship with the corporation of America has to GO, in order to place in a new puppet government.    These is evident with all these "revolutions" being reported by the corporate media such as revolts in Nigeria, The Ivory Coast, Morocco, Algeria, and many other Afrikan, and North Afrikan nations. Many White Supremacist countries such as France has admitted to arming Libyan "rebels" to take down the Libyan government, These illegal satanic like American anti-Gadhafi sign, and posters given to the Libyan people, also it has been reports that the Black/Original or darker Libyans have been raped, murdered, and imprisoned by these so-called "rebels". Gadhafi whom has a long history with America including working with the CIA against "Terror" once again like Mubarak has billions in U.S. banks. The campaign to further rape Afrikan, and impose new puppet governments to continue the rape of the planet's natural resources under the guise of "democracy" is a tool that has, and will be used by White Supremacy. These propaganda campaigns are powerful tools to make it acceptable to killed thousands of Non-White to the mindless American, for example the corporate recently launched a propaganda campaign against members of Somali's resistance against White Supremacist corporations which dumps millions of gallons of oil, and waste off the coast of Somali by labeling the resistance as "Somali Pirates". This campaign came to head as it was reported the these so-called "pirates" killed four White people off the coast of Somali. Somali like Nigeria among others are also the target of the White Supremacy "restructure" campaign in which they hope to create puppet governments, and armies to help them in a direct conflict with Eastern powers such as Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea. This became clear when the May Day announcing of the murder of Tim Osman a.k.a. Osama Bin Laden, whom was already reported deceased several times. This foolish propaganda in the fuel for the White Supremacist war on the rest of the world in which they will LOSE. We must began to restructure our minds, and search for true information in order to combat assault waged against us, and abroad!!! Hotep